Parachute Games

We were welcomed by a class of beautiful children aged 3-5 years old and were able to observe a typical morning in the nursery. As requested by the early years staff, we modelled a way to teach a new letter sound to the children. By day 2 the class teacher took what we said on board and introduced a new sound to the class.


Going Outdoors

We introduced the new sand toy resources to the children and suggested ways in which this area can be used to develop learning. The children loved reading the letters in the sand! Using resources already available, we opened up the classroom and moved learning outside too! A very exciting time! It was great to see the staff taking the children outside to practise writing the new letters they had learnt.


Getting Messy

‘We’re Going on a Lion Hunt’ was a hit story with the children in early years and they were able to explore with grass, water and gooey mud. We were able to discuss the importance of active story telling and messy play. A brilliant breakthrough that was enjoyed by all!


More than playing

Working alongside the Early Years staff, a range of activities were put out for the children to access freely. Activities developing fine motor skills, writing, reading and number skills were set up around the indoor and outdoor classroom. The children had a great time sharing picture books with their friends and making words with letter beads. Counting bears and creating repeating patterns was fun too!


‘We are family, we are one’

These are the words of a song sung in the early years classroom which we love! Inclusion was high on our agenda and so to see every child crawl through the play tunnel and for children to help push others on the toy trucks, including those with physical needs, was a special time in our journey this week!

We really enjoyed sharing skills with fellow early years professionals and can’t wait to use Ugandan songs in our classrooms at home!


Katie and Jane

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